Flow is an incredibly challenging concept for the thinking mind. And language a major impediment in any attempt towards its description. Since language seems to include so called fixed objects and people, it can never be the tool of its expression. Language conveniently uses words like beginnings or death or endings. And experience in its immediacy seems to be the apparent happening of the moment. So flow in that sense is not actually ever experienced physically. But it does belong to mind. To translation albeit beyond words. A sensing. To a realm of mind that doesn’t require to be stuck any more. Doesn’t require limits or density anymore and does not need any timelines. So it may be called a more wholistic state of mind where words do not apply since they are too dense but there is a flowy breezy essence that is sensed which allows itself as life to be incredibly flexible. So flexible and porous that it cannot stop or start or reach or aim or plan or wait or hope. Its magical beauty is in its ability to be there eternally yet forever remain unknowable to the thinking mind.