The minds constant need for change
There is an almost constant habit the mind has which wants to change things as they appear presently. Things here could mean people, situations, cultures, geographic realities, feelings or thoughts. This habit is the basic framework which creates time. The need for change creates time and space since so called improvement will always need time and space to happen in. This habit is extremely deeply ingrained and is constantly supported by language, culture, religion and education. The basic hierarchy system in which human life revolves is completely in sync with the constant creation of time. Even to judge will create the energy in the brain to fuel action and an entire universe thereby creating more wait and time. So simply put, as long as we see a person’s behaviour unsatisfactory (including one’s own) we will be in the grips of time.
Of course, this is in no way suggesting that there is a way out of this system of thought. But the suffering and a general sense of anxiety and discontent which is inherent in this manner of thinking will bring about a wider sense of thought which will be able to see the basic folly in partial thinking hopefully without being able to provide a solution for it. For this would again need time!
It is interesting that somehow seeing that this system, this manner of thinking as a part and then seeing other parts and seeking to constantly improve them, leading to constant thinking and no apparent way out, somehow takes away the habitual unquestioned energetics of the system.
There is no difference in everyday living that occurs. It’s not that the mind starts to now constantly say that I’m nothing and nothing is happening etc, although this is realized at a deeper level. There is spontaneous living. Moment to moment. Once a physical event is over there is no thinking or talking about it and therefore no judgment about it or any plan to do anything differently in future etc. Wishing, hoping, planning, intentionality etc are seen as unrequired and a sign of arrogance or lack of trust in life’s ability to function as a whole by itself.
There is an almost constant habit the mind has which wants to change things as they appear presently. Things here could mean people, situations, cultures, geographic realities, feelings or thoughts. This habit is the basic framework which creates time. The need for change creates time and space since so called improvement will always need time and space to happen in. This habit is extremely deeply ingrained and is constantly supported by language, culture, religion and education. The basic hierarchy system in which human life revolves is completely in sync with the constant creation of time. Even to judge will create the energy in the brain to fuel action and an entire universe thereby creating more wait and time. So simply put, as long as we see a person’s behaviour unsatisfactory (including one’s own) we will be in the grips of time.
Of course, this is in no way suggesting that there is a way out of this system of thought. But the suffering and a general sense of anxiety and discontent which is inherent in this manner of thinking will bring about a wider sense of thought which will be able to see the basic folly in partial thinking hopefully without being able to provide a solution for it. For this would again need time!
It is interesting that somehow seeing that this system, this manner of thinking as a part and then seeing other parts and seeking to constantly improve them, leading to constant thinking and no apparent way out, somehow takes away the habitual unquestioned energetics of the system.
There is no difference in everyday living that occurs. It’s not that the mind starts to now constantly say that I’m nothing and nothing is happening etc, although this is realized at a deeper level. There is spontaneous living. Moment to moment. Once a physical event is over there is no thinking or talking about it and therefore no judgment about it or any plan to do anything differently in future etc. Wishing, hoping, planning, intentionality etc are seen as unrequired and a sign of arrogance or lack of trust in life’s ability to function as a whole by itself.