If there is the question why then there must also be the question - why not. All binary energies must balance out and will create and need time to do so. This could be called karma in energetic terms. There is another perception, where energy is very subtle and therefore is unable to and does not need to create time or any opposite. You could call this the still point. The ineffable now or the unchanging. Meditators know this point experientially as the point of immortality. Where time and space haven’t yet begun. Where thinking has not yet begun since time and space are both just thoughts. When the brain is tired and sees through the endless creation of time, it will look for this. This something else. It begins with things like playing with more time slowing down activities and they will feel peaceful….slowly it will begin to recognize vibrationally or energetically (not so much conceptually) the events that do so and will reach the zero point ….it is ultimately the true homing place that only the human mind is capable of consciously reaching…