The regular tools for perception which assume movement cannot apply to the absolute. That’s all. Normal language is based on separation. All movement requires memory of separate things and parts and the difference between the perception of a part now and it’s memory is called movement. But that which is wider cannot be memorized as such so clearly and therefore cannot move. The whole is always whole and emptiness is always empty. So in the realm of everyday life, a wider lens of perception brings an immediate feeling of joy and of course the end of a separate me… the problem with perception in small parts is that the movement of mind can be very fast and overwhelming and addictive…I experimented with this through inquiry and found that if the vibration in perception remained slower, the brain produced much calmer and happier states and a much slower perception of time and change and this automatically shows how ephemeral and illusory our human suffering matrix actually is. … the only issue is trying to ‘get’ the absolute while perception is still running at the level and insanity of perception in parts, in chaotic time lines …it’s like trying to get to the tree while being identified as the leaf on the tree and thinking time is needed to one day reach the tree…