There Is No One Else
Can the mind fathom the possibility
That everything is itself
That even the word 'everything' cannot truly describe the fact that there are no separate things at all
That all there is, is the inseparable whole
And that even this understanding is that 'Whole' understanding itself within itself
That there is nothing separate from the whole to see it
Can the mind fathom that it contains all
It is all
There is no other
There is no one else
There never has been
Can the mind fathom the possibility
That everything is itself
That even the word 'everything' cannot truly describe the fact that there are no separate things at all
That all there is, is the inseparable whole
And that even this understanding is that 'Whole' understanding itself within itself
That there is nothing separate from the whole to see it
Can the mind fathom that it contains all
It is all
There is no other
There is no one else
There never has been