I think it’s important to clarify what the ‘me’ is or what we mean by it. The troublesome aspect which makes the me into a problem is simply the thinking about separation and as a constant referencing to a me story of separation. When the mind does that then it gets protective and fearful and manipulative, addictive, destructive etc. The activity of thinking in this manner happens mostly compulsively and seems to release stress hormones in the body which feel uncomfortable and seem to lead to needing certain solutions for masking these intense feelings or need for fixing etc and of course since all that happens is not solid ever and can expand according to belief - this structure of illusion seems to come with lots of apparent time lines and objects with assumed free will and choice again making for a dense structure of perception dominated by thinking in separation which seems constant and forever waiting for a better time….Perception in this structure is unable to see or feel anything other than the looping of this chaotic energy. Through what can only be called Grace, suddenly there appears to be a different perception that begins to run which questions the current running or memory of a previous narrow structure and as it begins to understand it’s workings the unconscious elements begin to become conscious. This may be called an act of love or awareness or God. It becomes clear that there isn’t a separate person or persons as such and it was only a narrow perception of life making it seem so. For a so called period of time there seem to be both of these occurring with some unconscious force of momentum to certain narrow beliefs still. But it is seen that thinking as a me is not required for a me or life to be very similar to the sky or water being perceived without being thought about. But this thinking will not stop unless the widened thinking mind comes in and sees the basic flaw in its framework and holds it with love as it releases its momentum. Life then is more spontaneous in the moment. There is still acting and doing but the after or before story (thinking) is absent. So you may say the moment acts. Life acts. There is a further opening which shows that even this spontaneous happening called life is also not real as such since it is so ephemeral and transitory. The vibration of this knowing is very subtle and there may be what has been called a knowing beyond understanding of the empty nature of stillness which is immediately (while there is breathing and consciousness) known also as the fullness or eternal and beautiful living nature of life. This is of course the release of certain hormones in the right brain I’m sure. The entire thing is a play of hormones only with separation being the product of stress left brain hormones. Essentially both are empty only. This is the only truth which joins all.