The ‘I’ energy is a resistance energy to ‘what is’. ‘What Is’ is what occurs spontaneously without the influence of active personal thought. In a sense ‘what is’ is the natural occurrence of things before we translate them in a constricted manner and divide them into good and bad etc. Both I and What Is are still products of mind though. That is, both are still appearances that come and go spontaneously. However, once the widened ‘what is’ mind becomes conscious, the constricted ‘I’ mind stops it’s habitual chatter and is seen as a narrow focus which due to its inability to see the whole had resulted in chaos. Fear and desire are the hallmarks of the I energy. These reduce considerably once the whole mind awakens. However this cannot be brought about. Trying to improve or awaken the I only strengthens it in my opinion. All of it happens spontaneously and all of it is divine. Once the whole mind awakens it realizes that the I is nothing but the whole mind also. This then suddenly opens up the emptiness which is beyond and within the whole and the particular. Finally they are both united in their essence. The emptiness. Emptiness is the I. Emptiness is the whole. Emptiness moves. Emptiness never moves. There are no words hereafter.