The problem if any, is that we buy into time, yet again. Even though there is enough memory now and hopefully enough perspective in those memories, which shows that time can only ever be used in perception when it is using a limited view of appearance, which is that only the limited personal view is interested in other limited personal views and requires time to constantly fix itself or others. The nagging need to go out of this moment, which is so familiar and guises itself as passion, energy of excitement or fear, need to change and evolve or heal is the charge or aliveness or belief in being a separate thing which inherently can never rest since it’s rest is it’s dissolution. The only point is the super ridiculously uninteresting point for this charged up me, in which all ideas and concepts of right and wrong and ignorance and enlightenment simply do not exist and there is absolutely nothing to attain. This is the point of something which is already here and simply does not lend itself to any understanding and evolution or reformation or remembering or forgetting. It has no charge whatsoever and evades time since it outside of even the slightest energy required for illusory movement…for this to even be remotely sensed the mind should have exhausted itself and seemingly ready to entirely doubt all knowledge however divine or sublime…even the most basic knowing of being alive is doubted...and this doubting requires no fixing and therefore no further time…