‘The sound of the rain needs no translation’...Nature needs no words. It just comes. Happens. By itself. There is nothing special to the stars or wildflowers. Yet we have words. So many words and ability to analyse the life of humans and other things to the extent we feel they effect humans. Our basic programming is to find our human lives so special. Specially bad or specially good. Never just ok. Fine. Content. Pulling us into more analysis. Past and future. Plans and goals in time. Journeys. Improvements. Getting there. Someday. Right now as it is is never enough. And what is here now is not it. That’s our basic operation. Our basic feeling. Of unease. Of wanting more. Yet the sound of the rain needs no translation. We can only see this without the need to fix this either. Just seeing this fully without judgment is all we can do. Not wait for it to go. Because in time I only find more need for time. Another goal. Another tomorrow.