I feel nature or the moment has full freedom to appear any which way it wishes to. There is no me separate from this moment or no me that is on any path to become anything as such. Everything happens by itself and it is all inclusive. Just like nature has no rules, human nature has no rules and can appear as anything in the moment. Even if a me is still there operating as thought and emotion which clings or resists certain happenings etc, it is still nature operating and the so called sorrow or need to fix the sorrow in time etc is simply what happens. Pure non duality includes all duality and therefore doesn’t need to be called non duality. It’s just life. Just the moment. And there’s no problem with it. And even if it appears like a problem, well even that is allowed fully by life. Because life cannot not allow itself. It simply cannot. I don’t make any distinction anymore about what this body and mind says or feels compared to so called others. All must be the same. Products of energy. Products of genetics, hormones, age, environment, random productions of nature - the mysterious power of illusion in the energy of life. Beyond a point, there’s nothing new found in any analysis. Just pure divine mystery.