To really see, again and again, that there is no time. To slow down fully and see without judgment, that all we do in the world, including trying to find or even talk of awakening, is something our mind and words is doing around time as a concept. And there isn’t any. That when we wait, we are within time. When we fear, we are in time. When we are looking for what is not here now we are in concepts and happenings, events that are not here now so will begin later or will happen later, we are within the grips of time. Just seeing this and seeing how when we say even a single word with meaning and purpose we have created separation between what is meaningful and what is not. So we have divided space and created matter. But there is only space. Without any beginning or end. Without any parts. There is only this timeless wordless nothingness. There is just quiet. The rest, all of it is just a hallucination, various levels of focalized thoughts and that which writes these words is just that hallucination. It seemingly comes and goes into itself and makes sense within itself while not really ever being there. There is just the quiet. Untouched by this hallucination of time and matter and words and ideas. And when the mind humbles to this realization, space and matter seemingly join. And The heaviness of time meets presence.