We go within and see how concepts of time and space and taking ourselves to be this limited person in time will always lead to some fear or another and some reason to wait for life to get better. Thereby creating more and more time. This is endless. We seemingly die waiting for life to be more acceptable. But there is something right here. Outside of words and ideas. Which is showing itself now more than ever. As that spaceless timeless joy. Outside memory. Simple. We realize how our own mind creates and recreates all of nature so spontaneously. All together. Effortlessly. And when we see this we see eternity. We see eternal Life. And we know that life is constantly recreating itself. And the one that is born each minute is the same one that dies. One life. Only one. Not seven billion. Only one life always exists. Eternally. Feeling and sensing itself. None is unique. None is special. All is one. And forever it will create itself. In beauty. In joy. Effortlessly. It does not need human knowledge and intellect to do so. The only purpose of the human intellect is to reach this point of humility and surrender.