It’s interesting to slow down and see what truly the sense of separation is. It’s not about being separate from so called other things but about feeling separate from wholeness itself. Once we see this, there can’t be any parts ever because all parts are an instantaneous production of the feeling of separation. If we stay waiting to feel or sense oneness with all so called others, we will wait forever.
The root is the belief in being separate from something which has never and can never split itself. And therefore the true seeing of this is a shift and not a process in time since time belongs to the realm of separate parts.
Once the shift happens, there is only oneness and not one word can be said about it. And yet, within the ephemeral realm of seeming time, there is a deep sensing of a completion which can never be known by time. There can never be a true knowing by the part, because the meeting is the end of the part and it’s constant need to know which is nothing but time itself.
The root is the belief in being separate from something which has never and can never split itself. And therefore the true seeing of this is a shift and not a process in time since time belongs to the realm of separate parts.
Once the shift happens, there is only oneness and not one word can be said about it. And yet, within the ephemeral realm of seeming time, there is a deep sensing of a completion which can never be known by time. There can never be a true knowing by the part, because the meeting is the end of the part and it’s constant need to know which is nothing but time itself.