When attention is trapped by attachment to separation, the mind energy (the entire realm of mental conceptualization potential) projects a divided world and suffers within its divisions asking a million questions and waiting endlessly for some continuous relative truth to be upheld. Of course the whole thing falls apart when we ask one simple question- who is asking ? There can’t be any real separation …. However, within the illusion of separation, anything can appear but it is only relatively true or false. If we want true answers then all verbal questions must come to an end and something (it’s not a thing of course) which is ungraspable through emotion and words and ideas of right and wrong is sensed. This sensing is most amplified when attention is ready to shift from the fascination with relativity and it’s intense potential complexity to ‘relative’ simplicity. Thereon there aren’t many words or ideas because anything that doesn’t get attention, ceases to exist currently and within time. Therefore not only does not exist right now but it never existed or can exist.