Where Does Everything Go?
Where is what was here five minutes ago?
Where is yesterday?
A day of endless action, events, words and thoughts?
Where did it all go?
Memory carries some images of things that I found important
Some just a bit
Some very important
Like layers in soft fabric
But what about the unimportant things that happened?
The things that don't leave a trace in memory
Where do they go?
Like falling through the deep dark abyss within the folds of a scrunched soft fabric
They disappear
Taking away all traces of any colorful images that lie within the folds of memory
Where is what was here five minutes ago?
Where is yesterday?
A day of endless action, events, words and thoughts?
Where did it all go?
Memory carries some images of things that I found important
Some just a bit
Some very important
Like layers in soft fabric
But what about the unimportant things that happened?
The things that don't leave a trace in memory
Where do they go?
Like falling through the deep dark abyss within the folds of a scrunched soft fabric
They disappear
Taking away all traces of any colorful images that lie within the folds of memory