The Innocence Of Aliveness
The moment we feel the immeasurable
We also see that the immeasurable is contained so simply
So simply
That its simplicity is pure joy itself
This joy is the joy of pure play
It does not have the concepts of time or space limits
So it has no opposite at all
It is entirely present
It taps into an intelligence which is nature itself
The immediacy of the wholeness of nature is innocence itself
Since it knows nothing other than itself
Even the smallest action is then the movement of the purity of whole
The moment we feel the immeasurable
We also see that the immeasurable is contained so simply
So simply
That its simplicity is pure joy itself
This joy is the joy of pure play
It does not have the concepts of time or space limits
So it has no opposite at all
It is entirely present
It taps into an intelligence which is nature itself
The immediacy of the wholeness of nature is innocence itself
Since it knows nothing other than itself
Even the smallest action is then the movement of the purity of whole