The Distinction Must Cease
The biggest test from life must have been
When the best and the worst started to happen together
Then did I like before start the ancient pattern of wanting more of the best and making plans for changing the worst
Or perhaps I somehow stopped trying to change either
Unable finally to see much difference between the two
Surprised that somewhere, at some time
The mind had finally dropped all distinctions
Between the best and the worst
For life itself had always had allowance for all things to happen freely
And every distinction finally ceased
The biggest test from life must have been
When the best and the worst started to happen together
Then did I like before start the ancient pattern of wanting more of the best and making plans for changing the worst
Or perhaps I somehow stopped trying to change either
Unable finally to see much difference between the two
Surprised that somewhere, at some time
The mind had finally dropped all distinctions
Between the best and the worst
For life itself had always had allowance for all things to happen freely
And every distinction finally ceased