Of A Final Innocence
So kind when life reminds me to stay with stress at the level of vibration
Instead of the level of story
Because sometimes the stories of pain are thousands of years old
But the vibration is always right now
The only place I can hold it and dissolve it in my love
In my acceptance
In my humility
In my awe of it
In my utter wonderment
In the wonderment of unknowing
Of a final innocence
So kind when life reminds me to stay with stress at the level of vibration
Instead of the level of story
Because sometimes the stories of pain are thousands of years old
But the vibration is always right now
The only place I can hold it and dissolve it in my love
In my acceptance
In my humility
In my awe of it
In my utter wonderment
In the wonderment of unknowing
Of a final innocence