It Must Be Me
The thing over there
The thing that is not me
The thing that I don't understand
Its origin and purpose is unknown to me
But the thing tells me nothing more
Then I begin to know it
I begin to understand it
But the thing is the same
But now I seem to know it more than before
To me it's not the same thing as before
It looks like the knowing of it has grown within me
The thing must have been me all along
Even when I felt I did not know it or now that I feel I do know it
The thing over there must be me
The thing over there
The thing that is not me
The thing that I don't understand
Its origin and purpose is unknown to me
But the thing tells me nothing more
Then I begin to know it
I begin to understand it
But the thing is the same
But now I seem to know it more than before
To me it's not the same thing as before
It looks like the knowing of it has grown within me
The thing must have been me all along
Even when I felt I did not know it or now that I feel I do know it
The thing over there must be me