Immediate Immediacy
How lovely is love
How amazing is amazement
Even when we seem to see separate things
It can be seen that they all are happening altogether
At the same place
Within the alive aliveness
It almost feels like each thing is because aliveness is
And aliveness is because the things are
And this cannot be resolved
Because all resolution would mean an end point
Whereas life cannot end or begin
Neither be still nor move
Each thing is it and it is each thing
This seeing is too immediate to be caught by mind
And is the immediacy itself
How lovely is love
How amazing is amazement
Even when we seem to see separate things
It can be seen that they all are happening altogether
At the same place
Within the alive aliveness
It almost feels like each thing is because aliveness is
And aliveness is because the things are
And this cannot be resolved
Because all resolution would mean an end point
Whereas life cannot end or begin
Neither be still nor move
Each thing is it and it is each thing
This seeing is too immediate to be caught by mind
And is the immediacy itself