Imagining The Unimaginable
The world of things and people
Are products of memory
Which are brought into focus as thoughts
As imagination
But how can the mind imagine what is before or beyond imagination
Because it would then become imagination too
As soon as the template of thought is applied
That which is unimaginable seems to also become a new imagination
For that which is outside thoughts to shine
Imagination must simply cease
Then what is left
Is that simplicity which is ever here
But seemingly unreachable by the mind
The world of things and people
Are products of memory
Which are brought into focus as thoughts
As imagination
But how can the mind imagine what is before or beyond imagination
Because it would then become imagination too
As soon as the template of thought is applied
That which is unimaginable seems to also become a new imagination
For that which is outside thoughts to shine
Imagination must simply cease
Then what is left
Is that simplicity which is ever here
But seemingly unreachable by the mind