Change Only Ever Points To The Changeless
To be interested in the fact of being interested
To be curious about curiosity itself
Is like noticing the witnessing itself
Instead of just witnessing the contents of appearances
The witnessing is a steady pointer
To the simple seeing that all that can change and can be measured is not steady
Beauty and joy cannot be measured
They are effortlessly and causelessly present
They do not begin at some known point and therefore cannot end
Steadiness can neither begin nor end
It cannot be known as such
Because it is what the knowing appears and disappears in
To be interested in the fact of being interested
To be curious about curiosity itself
Is like noticing the witnessing itself
Instead of just witnessing the contents of appearances
The witnessing is a steady pointer
To the simple seeing that all that can change and can be measured is not steady
Beauty and joy cannot be measured
They are effortlessly and causelessly present
They do not begin at some known point and therefore cannot end
Steadiness can neither begin nor end
It cannot be known as such
Because it is what the knowing appears and disappears in