The moment creates everything including a so called me. The situation of the moment which later seems to have many parts including a me etc is just what is done by thinking about what happened and then about judgment etc and then about more anticipation etc about what it should be. All this thinking requires a certain division or partial favouritism to become quite elaborate. When this is seen, partial thinking and the emotional attachment to parts is questioned by what could be called a wider thinking which seems to still be thinking but it is widened enough to recognize its own redundancy. The emotional aspects with this widened thought are also more wholistic and what appears to be trust and faith seem to happen. Trust will signal the end of thinking completely. Life can then present fully in its immediacy without the veils of limitation imposed by partial thought. The body here and there lose their meaning and it’s just the full appearance of life that happens. Seems like this widening from personal thought is required before thinking stops. Once thinking stops there is no need for enlightenment since there is no longer any story running in thought of my ignorance to my enlightenment. That was always one of the ways particularised thinking partial to a body, wanted more for itself in its story of time including its demise and a constant feeling of bliss for itself at all times etc. Once thinking diminishes, all personal needs in time including all anticipation and need for enlightenment, end.