To live outside opposites. Is to have no position. Perhaps for some time, the mind weary from the exhaustion of trying to grasp at things that constantly change, enjoys its new perch of being a watcher or knower. It seems to be a position outside of the world of ups and downs. Gain and loss. Ignorance and enlightenment. But this becomes a new position. A new opposite of worldly opposites. And it can be talked of and felt as a higher realm. But if the mind can still talk of it, it is still another concept. A new idea. However exalted. The truth will never be an idea. And yet it is loving of all ideas. It can never be put to words. Although it dismisses no words. It is silent. And yet is heard in the sound of the waves. That come unexpectedly. Loud and full. And there is no grasping. To either hold it. Or understand it.